Due to some incompabilities and the different ways of applying Java applications on different operating systems MidiYodi will from 2025 be free and with that support will be revoked.
In most situation it will work as expected so please try it out on your OS as described below.

Although MidiYodi is now free it still requires a license key.
This key will work for all:

MidiYodi is available on all major platforms including:

Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, XP
Mac OS X (10.7 or higher)
Unix (any dialect)

Save the downloaded file where you desire it to be launched.

Launch MidiYodi by double-clicking the file.

Save the downloaded dmg-file on your desktop and double click it.

Drag the MidiYodi app onto your desktop.

Launch MidiYodi by double-clicking the app.

Drag the MidiYodi app to your Applications folder and launch it from there in the future.

Save the downloaded file where you desire it to be launched.

Launch MidiYodi by double-clicking the file or open a shell window and issue the command below.

java -jar MidiYodi-2021.1.jar
Windows Anti-virus note

Windows and some anti-virus programs may notify that it comes from an unknown distributor.

If that is the case there are, depending on windows version, simple ways to launch it anyway and once this has been done you will not be asked again.

Mac Anti-virus note

Most likely your Mac will complain that this comes from an unidentified developer.
If that is the case: Ctrl-click (or press mouse button 2) on the app and select Open from the popup menu.
You will be requested if you want to open it anyway. Please do so and MidiYodi will launch.
From now on your Mac remembers that you trust this application.

Java consideration

MidiYodi is developed in Java which requrie Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed on your computer as well. JRE’s are installed with earlier Mac versions and Unix OS’es and often it has also been installed on Windows due to other Java applications that has already been downloaded.

MidiYodi require JRE 1.8 (also known as Java 8)

If in doubt, check in the System Preferences on Mac or check by issuing the following command in a command prompt or shell window.

java -version

It shall respond with:

Java(TM) Runtime Environment (build 1.8.x....)

Where 1.8 is the latest major version of Java.

If Java Runtime Environment is not installed you can easily download it for free from here:

 Download Java (Follow the instrucions to download and install JRE 8.)