Main Window | File Explorer | Bulk Editor | Keyboard Examiner | Score Examiner | Event Examiner | Event Editor | Jukebox | Track Saver | Preferences
When MidiYodi is started the Main Window is displayed that allows the examination of MIDI files.
Measure Bar
The measure bar displays at the far left the duration of and on what tick mark within the song the playback is currently located followed by the rolled out songs measure numbers and beat marks.
Each message within a MIDI file is associated with a specific tick location which can be used together with the Event Editor and Event Examiner that displays the tick location for each message within a song.
Once a MIDI file has been opened the Main window contains the following areas.Positioning playback
Clicking the left mouse button anywhere within the measure bar will move playback to that location. A black line indicates where playback is currently located. Position may also be changed using the playback & navigation controls.
Selecting a section
A section of the song may be selected for loop playback or removal purposes. A section is selected by pressing and dragging the left mouse button in the measure bar. The selection type is based on the Snap to beat option set at the top of the window. Clicking the right mouse button in the measure bar will clear any selection.
Changing the measure width
Measure widths may be adjusted using the slider in the lower, right corner of the Main Window or using keyboard shortcuts (+) or (-).
Meta Message Lanes
The meta message lanes displays some of the most common meta messages from the MIDI file.
Meta message are attached to specific locations (ticks) in the song and mostly, dictated by the MIDI standard, sits on track 1 where MidiYodi tries to collects them. Note that none of these messages are mandatory within a MIDI file.
Meta message lanes to display are customized in the Preferences dialog and includes:
Marker | Markers are plain text often used for rehersal marks etc. MidiYodi just displays the text where set. |
Time signature | MidiYodi displays time signature and adjusts the beats in the Measure bar accordingly |
Key signature | Key signatures at different locations in the song. Note that this is simply a numeric value added by the author of the MIDI file. If set wrong or not at all the song will still play exactly the same since each notes playing pitch is set by itself. MidiYodi simply displays each key signature where set. |
Tempo | Playback tempo. If not set 120 BPM is assumed by the MIDI standard. MidiYodi displays each tempo where set. |
Lyrics | Song/karaoke lyrics. MidiYodi fetches these from track 1 but if not present, subsequent tracks are scanned for lyrics and the first found is displayed in the lane. Double-clicking on the lyrics track will display the Lyrics Examiner. Note that since a lot of lyrics often appear in each measure the measure width may have to be adjusted using the slider in the lower, right corner. |
Text | Any type of text messages inserted by the author in the MIDI file. |
The Track area contains a list of all available tracks within the MIDI file. MIDI files of type 0 only have one track but may be trackified by MidiYodi.
Each track contains a Track control panel to the left and a Track overview area to the right that displays notes and a volume curve an a scrollable viewport.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Scroll the tracks viewport up and down: (PAGE UP) and (PAGE DOWN)
- Select the next or previous track: (UP-arrow) and (DOWN-arrow)
Track control panel
The track control panel comes in two shapes depending on if the track contains any notes. Each track displays a track number and a track name. If the track lacks a track name message it is defaulted to a question mark. Track names may be changed by double-clicking the existing track name or by selecting Edit Track Name from the track popup menu. If a track contain Channel events (notes etc.) the channel number is displayed within parantheses after the track name. If more than one channel number is represented on the track then an asterisk is shown instead of the number.
For tracks containing notes its first instrument (program change message) is selected in the combo box. Selecting another instrument in the combo box will play the track using the new instrument. If no instrument is defined within the track the default instrument Piano is used.
A slider allows the track volume to be adjusted. If changed, the volume for the complete track is set to the new value. Thus if the track originally contained volume changes like a fade-in then these changes are not adjusted but completely replaced which in effect will remove the fade-in.
Solo and Mute buttons are available to allow a track to be played individually (solo) or to be excluded at playback (mute).
Keyboard shortcuts (S) and (M) will solo or mute selected tracks.
Track overview area
The track overview area displays miniature notes and a volume curve for each track.
Here, tracks may also be selected for further manipulation or examination in the Keyboard-, Score- or Event examiners. Double clicking a track will show the track content in the default examiner, defined in the Preferences dialog.
A track is selected by clicking it and multiple tracks be selected if the CTRL key is pressed at the same time and subsequent tracks can be selected if SHIFT is pressed at the same time.
A popup menu is displayed when the right mouse button is pressed on a track. In addition to the controls and examiners described further down, the menu hosts the following options:
Edit Track Name | Selects the track name in the Track Control Panel for editing. (Same as double-clicking the track name.) |
Save Track | Displays a file entry dialog where the selected track only may be saved in a new MIDI file. |
Transpose Track 8va Up | Transposes the selected track one octave up. |
Transpose Track 8va Down | Transposes the selected track one octave down. |
MIDI File menu and controls
Open.. | Displays an Open file dialog where a MIDI file can be selected and read into the Main Window. |
File Explorer | Displays the MIDI File Explorer where a file can opened or entire folders can be examined for MIDI file contents. (Ctrl-O) |
Save | Saves the current MIDI file into the original file. (CTRL+S) License constraints: In the trial version saving files is disabled. |
Save As… | Saves the current MIDI file in a new file. (CTRL+SHIFT+S) License constraints: In the trial version saving files is disabled. |
Save Tracks… | Allows individual tracks to be saved in their own MIDI files using the Track Saver tool. The option is only available if a MIDI file with more than one track is loaded. |
Trackify | Groups MIDI channel messages on separate tracks. This feature is useful on MIDI files of type 0 if one wants to be able to examine and control each channel. The trackify process will use a first track for MIDI messages not bound to channels such as meta messages and then one track per represented channel. |
Transpose | Transposes enitire song in half-steps up or down. |
Change tempo | Changes the initial tempo to the newly entered value and all subsequent tempos proprtionally. |
Exit | Closes the MidiYodi application. (CTRL+Q). If unsaved changes exist MidiYodi asks if these should be saved prior to exiting. |
Playback & Navigation controls
Start/Stop playback | Starts or stops playback of the song. (ESC) |
Loop playback | ON: playback will lbe repeated within the selected section or, if no section is selected, repeat from the beginning when finished. OFF: playback will continue and stop at the end of the song. |
Snap to beat | ON: snaps the playback indicator and selection to beats. OFF the playback indicator flows smothless. |
Auto scroll | ON: the view will scroll sideways automatically when the playback indicator reaches the right side of the viewport. OFF: the view will not scroll automatically. |
Goto start/end | Moves the playback indicator to the beginning of the song. (HOME) Moves the playback indicator to the end of the song.(END) |
Goto next/prev meta | Moves playback indicator to the next selected meta message type. (CTRL+rigth arrow) Moves playback indicator to the previous selected meta message type. (CTRL+left arrow) |
Examiners and other windows
Event Examiner | Displays an Event Examiner for each selected track where all messages contained within the track can be viewed. (F1) |
Keyboard Examiner | Displays a Keyboard Examiner for each selected track where notes can be examined in a keyboard like view. (F2) |
Score Examiner | Displays a Score Examiner for each selected track where notes can be examined in a score like view. (F3) |
Lyrics Examiner | Displays a dialog showing karaooke lyrics if present in the MIDI file. The dialog can also be displayed if double-clicking the Lyric meta track. (F4) |
Jukebox | Displays the Jukebox where MIDI file playlists can be managed and played. |
Preferences | Displays the Preferences dialog where MidiYodi settings can be applied. (F9) |
Edit controls
Undo | Regrets the latest change and reverts to the previous version. (CTRL+Z) |
Redo | Loads the lastest regretted change. (CTRL+Y) |
Remove selected section | Removes the section of the song that is currently selected. If the initial part of a song is cut most meta message events and program change events etc. are kept so that the song would not loose its initial instruments, tempo, key signature etc. |
Add event | Opens the Event Editor where any type of event can be added, targeting the first selected track. (INSERT) |
Change channel | Changes all channel related events from one channel to another on the first selected track. |
Add track | Adds a new track below the currently selected track or at the end if no track is selected. (CTRL+A) |
Remove selected track(s) | Removes all tracks that are currently selected. (DEL or BACKSPACE) |
Duplicate track | Duplicates selected track and puts the copy below the selected track. (CTRL+D) |
Move track up | Moves the selected track one slot up (CTRL-UP arrow) |
Move track down | Moves the selected track one slot down (CTRL-DOWN arrow) |